Does Life Feel More Of A Drag Lately? Feel You're Aging Too Fast?

  • Do you find it harder to breeze through your to-do list? Is your body letting you down with constant aches & pains?
  • Wondering where your "mojo" went? Can't bounce back from vigorous exercise routines like you used to?
  • Have you packed on a few pounds leaving you "doughy & dull"? Or struggling with brain fog & senior moments?

Take this short quiz to find out what's holding your energy & body hostage!!!


3 Misconceptions About Low Energy,

Chronic Aches & Aging Too Fast

"You're Just

Getting Older..."

Growing Older Doesn't Have To Mean "Going Downhill"!

As we age, most men and women lose their stamina, resilience and mojo... but it doesn't have to be that way!

At Institute for Restorative Health, we take a functional medicine approach towards optimal health and longevity to recapture vitality through informed wellness practices. No need to let age slow you down!



Is Your Body Running

On "Empty"?

Sometimes, people put the wrong fuel in their "tank" – so it's no wonder they sleepwalk through life. But it's not your fault with so much conflicting info out there! Given our special focus on functional nutrition, we always evaluate nutrient status so we can put the right fuel in the tank with an optimal diet and high-quality supplements if needed.

Gut Health & Stealth Infections

Is Chronic Inflammation

Slowing Down Your Body?

Nagging chronic pain (like knee and shoulder aches) could be warning signs of systemic inflammation that oftentimes goes ignored. Stealth infections, poor gut health and diet can keep your body on the sidelines... so once we've identified the culprit, we quickly move to eradicate sources of pain & premature aging.

Meet Our Team

For over 23 years, our highly trained, interdisciplinary team at the Institute of Restorative Health has been an international leader in the treatment of complex chronic conditions and mystery illnesses that defy conventional medical wisdom.

In addition, our team has developed specialty expertise in functional neurology, brain injury traumatology, and bio-toxin illness  – which has allowed us to help thousands of clients reclaim their health and vitality – getting to the root of their complex health conditions so they can finally feel like themselves again… even if nothing else has worked.

Your Health + Wellness Is Our Passion

Helping people live a more balanced & healthier life isn't just our job, it's our passion! We take our commitment to lifelong, optimal health + wellness very seriously... incorporating the latest scientific advances and dedicated to the very best care possible.

We focus on giving you the care you need, not the care sanctioned by health insurance – which is why our programs include longer appointment times, more communication, more advanced testing and guidance on lifestyle factors that can truly make or break your health.

We like to think of ourselves as your trusted partner towards a healthier, more resilient life – supporting you every step of the way, because we know what's possible when you have the right guide by your side!

If you haven't found the answers you've been looking for with traditional medicine and still feel unheard, you are in the right place! We're excited to make you our next success story, so let's take the first step with the quiz :)


Ready For Amazing Results Like These?

Forever indebted to you for changing the course of my life and redeeming the countless years spent with medical practitioners that just didn’t get it.

Katie R.

This is an amazing healing place. I am so grateful to the amazing staff and all of the help my husband has received at this clinic!

Sarah W.

This place has given us our lives back. It is no quick fix, but it is the way to go. This amazing place is full of knowledge, love
and hope.

Monica A.

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